3D Visuals Sneak Peek

Neopets Metaverse
3 min readMar 17, 2022


This update is brought to you by the Neopets Metaverse Team.

Exciting progress is underway in the Neopets Metaverse! Our development team has been hard at work crafting a brand new world for its future Neopian inhabitants, and today we are excited to bring you a preview of what is in the pipeline.

To start, we want to thank our community for their patience and understanding in our process; our primary goal is to create a game for YOU, and we are taking the time to ensure the quality and standards of the metaverse reflect our community-driven approach.

Neopet Previews

Now, without further ado, we are proud to announce the first look at our brand new 3D in-game visuals!

Introducing (in their new 3D forms): Kacheek, Shoyru, and Kougra!

Firstly, we have the peaceful and lovable Kacheek! Our 3D artists worked hard to translate its cute and loving temperament into a model with a whimsical, friendly aesthetic. Who doesn’t want to give it a big hug?

Kacheek 3D Model

Next is the most popular Neopet of all time: Shoyru! This fiercely loyal (and sometimes a bit fiery) Neopet soars on majestic wings while still looking adorable.

Shoyru 3D Model

Finally, we’d like to acquaint you with a Kougra! Originally discovered in the deep forests of Mystery Island, Kougra loves to pounce and play. We are big fans of its delightful markings and its big fluffy paws!

Kougra 3D Model

What’s Down the Road

This is just a tiny sneak-peek of our current game development. Our upcoming game demo will include all 3 Neopets species shown here (Kacheek, Shoyru, and Kougra), and we are diligently continuing to develop these visuals.

Much more is on the way! We also plan to introduce an additional 7 Neopets species in our Alpha launch. Furthermore, we will also have a new update at the end of this month — be sure to stay tuned for more exciting developments!

Thank you to our wonderful community. We are thrilled to give you a small piece of insight into our work, and we look forward to showing you more soon!

Website: https://www.neopetsmeta.io

Discord: https://discord.gg/neopets-metaverse

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NeopetsMeta


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Neopets Metaverse

A free-to-play, play-and-earn, community-driven, Web3 virtual pet game based on the original Neopets classic!